I come from a country named El Salvador which lagged behind on technology. We didn’t get Nintendo 64 until a few years after the U.S got it but even so it was an amazing console to the young me. I moved here when I was 10 and was thrown into school with no idea on how to speak English. Now I am commuting  to UW Seattle to pursue a major on Informatics. I am taking the TINST 207 because I feel like with my major and even just with our lives in general learning about the virtual world is important to our society more since it changes at a great speed. Coming to the United States I could see the difference in how much El Salvador was lagging but as time went on and I catch up with my family back home I can see that even in El Salvador which would take a while to receive all the technology the U.S. would get is now pretty easy for them to obtain social media accounts like Snapchat and Instagram. I am excited to learn more about the progress we have made in technology and how imbedded technology is with our normal lives and privacy.


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A pretty interesting guy.