
Showing posts from October, 2017


I didn’t make it to class on Wednesday so I didn’t get to do html in class, but I googled how to do an html and followed the steps they showed me. I think making it is simple if you just follow the steps but actually creating more is something else. I would have to read about adding more lines for more words. Even with steps showing me how to do the html I still struggled with making this very simple html. It would show just the wording because there was things that I didn’t uncheck and I wouldn’t know what was wrong with my html. This shows me how much I don’t know about the process websites go through. My html is so simple and it still was hard for me to complete. Since I wasn’t in class I believe I might have gotten an easier html to make and even so I still struggled. It’s funny how creating a html page was complicated to me but technology has moved away from it to make way more complicated webpages. It felt awesome to see the words come out finally after I fixed the problems I ha

email vs mail

Today's blog is about the differences and similarities between email and mail. With technology coming into our lives we can see the apparent contradictions and comparisons of email and mail. We can say that sending an email is more convenient than sending mail if it is on a letterform. Email can get to the destination in a few minutes while mail takes minimum a few days. Through email you can send it to anywhere in the world, but if they send mail you won’t be able to receive it everywhere like an email. Email can’t sent packages like mail can so we have the restriction to only letters, pictures and videos. Being able to send each other emails that take a few minutes instead of mail that takes days is a clear reason on how technology is making our life easier. Because of email we can get our work or important business done through our computers like for me I can send information that my lawyer needs through my computer instead of driving all the way to Seattle
I come from a country named El Salvador which lagged behind on technology. We didn’t get Nintendo 64 until a few years after the U.S got it but even so it was an amazing console to the young me. I moved here when I was 10 and was thrown into school with no idea on how to speak English. Now I am commuting  to UW Seattle to pursue a major on Informatics. I am taking the TINST 207 because I feel like with my major and even just with our lives in general learning about the virtual world is important to our society more since it changes at a great speed. Coming to the United States I could see the difference in how much El Salvador was lagging but as time went on and I catch up with my family back home I can see that even in El Salvador which would take a while to receive all the technology the U.S. would get is now pretty easy for them to obtain social media accounts like Snapchat and Instagram. I am excited to learn more about the progress we have made in technology and how imbedded techn