email vs mail

Today's blog is about the differences and similarities between email and mail. With technology coming into our lives we can see the apparent contradictions and comparisons of email and mail. We can say that sending an email is more convenient than sending mail if it is on a letterform. Email can get to the destination in a few minutes while mail takes minimum a few days. Through email you can send it to anywhere in the world, but if they send mail you won’t be able to receive it everywhere like an email. Email can’t sent packages like mail can so we have the restriction to only letters, pictures and videos. Being able to send each other emails that take a few minutes instead of mail that takes days is a clear reason on how technology is making our life easier. Because of email we can get our work or important business done through our computers like for me I can send information that my lawyer needs through my computer instead of driving all the way to Seattle every time she needs something from me because an email is instant. The problem with an email is that if you have the wrong email address then it won’t reach the person you intended to send it to. If you have important information it can be sent to the wrong person. Even though mail has a chance of doing the same it has a greater possibility to get to the intended person. Email is a great invention that for sure has made our lives easier just that it took the personal aspect of sending mail out.


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A pretty interesting guy.